zondag 18 november 2012

Zoltrbot - moving!

In the end a stepstick change and and some rewiring made it work....
The Marlin & Arduino software has a steep learning curve for me.
There are many settings possible.
This means a lot more exploring on this matter for me.
A whole new Adventure!

At least the mechanics does behave very nice to rapid changes,
no backlash so that seems sorted so-far.

Now next to do is the need tidying it up,
connect the display and cardreader
and make it ready for the further calibration & first trialprints.

Hoping now for printed Christmas tree decorations.....


donderdag 8 november 2012

Final touch- Zoltrbot- 3D printer....

No prints yet,...
Using the printer later-on itself, the covers on the Y-Axis sides
and cover of the reduction on the backside can be printed.

Just to dress it up a little and make it a cleaner design.
Also these items shields the moving parts and makes the machine safer.
So form follows function!

Doesn't look like a prototype anymore now.... ;-)

donderdag 1 november 2012

Zoltar 2012-NC is Alive and Cutting !


A unique all Stainless steel structure,  

ballscrew driven CNC machine toolkit

> under 1000 € to be build <
Check it out now:
Short movie cutting ALU for trial: